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Writer's picturePiyusha Pilania

All about Trailhead Playgrounds

Trailhead is an amazing gamified learning platform where Salesforce enthusiasts can learn different skills.

Trailhead is an amazing gamified learning platform where Salesforce enthusiasts can learn different skills. On Trailhead, you can find content not just about Salesforce and its products but also about how you and your team can improve your sales cycle, different leadership modules, inclusive culture, productivity and much more.

Trailhead has a mix of bite-size modules, hands-on exercises and Superbadges. You can also prepare for Salesforce certifications on Trailhead. In this blog, we will discuss everything you need to know about Trailhead playgrounds.

What is a Trailhead Playground and Why do you need one?

Trailhead playgrounds are free Salesforce orgs for Trailhead. They contain specific data which you need to complete Trailhead challenges. Now you might ask why do you need a Trailhead Playground? Well to complete challenges on Trailhead, you need Trailhead playgrounds.

Are Trailhead playgrounds free?

Trailhead Playgrounds are free for lifetime as long as you are using them regularly. But if you stop using them for 6 months they will expire. Once a Trailhead org expires, it is gone, you cannot restore it. Your only option is to create a new one.

At any time you can have a maximum of 10 active Trailhead playgrounds associated with your Trailhead account. If you need a new playground for any challenge you might have to disconnect an existing playground and then create a new one. You can access your playgrounds from here:

How to use a playground for a challenge?

Your first playground is created automatically when you sign up for Trailhead. So you can start using it for your challenges directly. All you have to do is click on the launch button in the challenge and voila you can access your playground. You can use it for multiple challenges unless a challenge specifically asks you create a new playground or developer org.

How to create a new playground?

To create a new playground you can either follow the instruction mentioned in the module or the steps mentioned in this blog. The easiest way to create a new playground is to visit: and click on Create Playground button on the top right.

The easiest way to create a new playground is to visit: and click on Create Playground button on the top right.

Another way to create a new playground is within the challenge. Click on the three dots highlighted in the image below;

Another way to create a new playground is within the challenge. Click on the three dots in the Trailhead challenge

Now you have to click on the '+ Create Playground' button and voila you have a new playground.

Now you have to click on the '+ Create Playground' button and voila you have a new playground.

Switching playgrounds between challenges?

Sometimes you might want to switch between playgrounds for different challenges. Follow the steps below to switch between playgrounds:

  1. Click on the three dots on the left of the launch button.

  2. Select the playground you want to work on.

  3. Now, click launch

With these steps, you can switch between different playgrounds.

In the upcoming blogs we will learn about how to get username and password for your Trailhead playground. How to connect Developer org with your Trailhead account and much more. So don't forget to subscribe to the new blogs and keep trailing!

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